Small Business Idea – How to Make Money As an Artist

Visual artists, musicians, writers, dancers, actors and actresses, this is your call! If you are an artist of any type, then the chances of the day await you. You can be an artist and not have to have it as a side job! What is the trick? It’s simply looking at being an artist as being an entrepreneur.

Unlike other businesses, you have to take your talent and advertise yourself in order to make a living. This is the first concept to keep in mind when you are building your art as your business. In order to do this effectively, it will be necessary to set up the inside organization for your success.

The first step you will need to take as any kind of artist is to make sure that when the time comes you will be able to make profit and will be able to claim it. For anything that is produced, it needs to be claimed as yours and by you. This means copywriting your materials, finding portals that will see the materials as yours and give you royalties, and making sure that you offer a unique, artistic look to whatever you are doing. It also means keeping copies and portfolios of works you have made or done, and a resume of who you are and where you have been. The way to look at any artistic endeavor is to recognize that you are your product. This means that you need to make yourself marketable, as well as claim complete rights.

From here, you will need to find a niche. This means finding a target market that will be attracted to the art that you have to offer. For example, if you are a dancer, evaluate the type of dancing you like to do, as well as the services in dancing that you can offer. This will open up endless opportunities to what is available to you. There are several local areas that are looking for programs to set up with arts such as these, not only for performance but also for education. Make sure that when you begin to find your niche to not close the doors to opportunities that may arise.

While most will state that it is difficult to be an artist, it is actually easy. It simply means looking at your self as a business and taking the necessary steps to first protect yourself, and then advertise yourself. You may not be working in New York or L.A. and making millions, but in any locality, you can work up to living comfortably off of your art and what you have to offer as your inspiration to the world.

The Number One Success Secret to Building a Business Online

Do you want to know the SECRET???

So the simple SECRET is the most important part of building your business online is creating STRONG and POWERFUL relationships. Not so much of a secret really? If you are like most people you are reading this blog expecting me to surprise you or knock you off your seat.

The truth is it’s normally the simplest things in life that are the most EFFECTIVE. Everyone is always looking for a complicated strategy or a NEW technique. Most people believe if you don’t understand it then it must be something amazing. Make sure you FORGET this belief as it will destroy you online eventually!

Why Is The Secret So Powerful?

Working on building great relationships is the BIGGEST skill you can learn that will truly EXPLODE your online business. Guess what it’s a learnable skill. You will build relationships and you need to choose whether to build meaningful connections or inauthentic ones?

Have a look at the people who are the TOP of the business which you are in, or in any business. What is one single trait they all have in common?

They have all learned the skill of building strong and powerful relationships with their business partners, clients, and prospects. If you asked all these TOP business gurus what was the skill that gave them the most success they would all answer building good relationships.

I hope that you are listening because this is what will determine if you are going to be successful or fail miserably.

This is one skill you NEED to know as it is TIMELESS! All other strategies will fail over time when new technology comes up with an easier and simpler option. Once you master the art of building strong business relationships you will see HUGE changes in the results of your business.

One thing to think about is that you can have all the most amazing strategies for driving traffic to your blog or website but if you don’t know how to build and care for a relationship then you are WASTING your time and energy.

Let’s Go Back In Time….

Remember when you were in school Get a clear image in your head of the most popular kid in school. The person who everyone wanted to be friends with. What made that person want EVERYONE to be friends with them? What made them so attractive to others? If you carefully look at it you will see that they were GREAT at building.

Building Strong Relationships Really Is A Learnable Skill

It’s exactly like baking a cake. If you know what the ingredients are that someone used to make a cake then you can bake the exact same cake. You just have to know what they are doing and how you can create the same success as them!

I am going to explain to you the steps to build these strong relationships. If you look at this list frequently and put it into action they you WILL see a noticeable difference in the direction of success of your business.

The 4 Steps to Building A Strong Long Lasting Relationship:

STEP 1: Always Give Value

I see a lot of marketers online running and pushing their business opportunities in people’s faces. Didn’t they ever look in the dictionary and see what networking actually means! The definition is ‘The cultivation of productive relationships for businesses.

SPAMMING does not fit into this definition! Even if you go on twitter and Facebook now you will see that they are FILLED with people telling you how to make a million dollars by this evening! It’s OUT OF CONTROL and RIDICULOUS!

This is the most important step we will cover. You want people to come from a place of adding value to someone’s life! People like to connect and follow people that help them to contribute to their life. You don’t have to always sell something to help someone. THAT’S A HUGE LESSON TO LEARN. When an entrepreneur starts giving more than the price they are asking for the goods or products then they have become a TRUE entrepreneur.

Think about who you look up to and admire? Do they come from a place where all they do is TAKE from your relationship? Or do they give and contribute to adding value to your life? Everyone knows this as these are the people that we are attracted to! Sometimes we are not conscious of this when we are mingling online!

STEP 2: Create TRUST between your prospects, leads, and business colleagues

TRUST is the KEY! There is no other way to say it but trust is everything! People do not join companies, they join PEOPLE! They only do business with people they know, like, and trust. For there to be a strong relationship then trust must be there. Without trust there is NOTHING!

Your prospects will want to be sure they can trust you so that you can guide them in the right direction. There are SO many people online scamming they want to be 100 percent sure that you are not one of them.

You can build trust by ALWAYS following though on any agreements or promises that you make. If you tell someone you will email them tomorrow do it! If you are supposed to call a prospect at 6.40PM CALL THEM!

STEP 3: Become a Great Listener:

The most annoying this is when you are speaking and someone starts to talk over you. Or if they are not listening at all because they are busy doing something else. Everyone has a million things to do and they say they are an amazing multi tasker. If you are speaking to someone and you are doing something else at the same time you are NOT FOCUSED!

I am able to tell when I am on the phone with someone and they are not paying attention to me. Maybe they are checking Facebook or reading email. I know you’ve had this happen to you? And I know that you’ve done this to other people as well!

People can tell when you are not present or not listening to what they are saying. Everyone always wants to be heard! When you are speaking to someone be sure to step away from the computer and give them your undivided attention. Focus carefully and listen to the messages behind the words. Powerful listening connects and creates a powerful emotional relationship.

STEP 4: Be Yourself!

Don’t try to be someone who you aren’t. There is HUGE power in being you! When you are authentic and you are honest with other people then you will really connect on a deep level with people. When you are not real then people notice it!

If you are not being yourself then you are creating fake relationships. This isn’t a good foundation to build business on.

If you learn these skills and put them to use then you will see a DRAMATIC INCREASE in your business. People will be attracted to you and want to join your business or buy whatever you are selling. You will begin to wonder where these people have been hiding online all this time.

DO NOT underestimate these steps. Don’t let the simplicity of them fool you. The skill in building relationships is why some people succeed and some people fail!

The majority of people go from one opportunity to the next believing it’s the company’s fault they did not succeed. The truth is that people join you and your business because of the relationship that you have created with them. You need to give them authenticity and trust and they you can jump into any opportunity and succeed!

Let’s Get Started!

I challenge YOU to become a relationship building EXPERT! You can start straight away. This information can really make a difference in many people’s lives who are reading this!

Thanks for taking the time to read this post today! I thank you for sharing your time with me.

Yours in Success

Nikki Delgado

Making Money Online With the Empower Network

When it comes to making money online, it really comes down to your marketing. Once you learn how to effectively market products online, the world is your oyster. You’ll be able to promote any affiliate product and earn great money doing it. But what I really think is more important than the income you’ll earn, is the freedom you’ll experience. Life is more about enjoying the time you have. So let’s look at some ways you can increase your monthly income and live the life of your dreams.

I want to use Empower Network for this example. These guys really got things right. They know how to sell products. They have a complete marketing funnel in place that virtually guarantees they will be successful. If you want to earn good money with Empower, you must order all the products. Once you purchase the $25, $100, $500 and $997 products, you have complete re-sell rights to those products. Now, what makes this program so great is the follow-up system that comes with it.

The company will automatically follow-up with every prospect you get to opt for more information by submitting their contact details. These people will get an email every day for several months. This will increase your conversion rates drastically. You can expect to convert anywhere from 5% to 10% of the people who visit your lead capture page into sales. And the best part is that Empower provides you will all the capture pages. And they update them every month so you don’t have to worry about outdated website design.

Now, I want you to picture what it would be like to increase your income by a few hundred dollars every month. How would you feel if you were able to earn $225 your first month, $600 your second month and over $1800 your third month marketing online? Would this be something you would love? You see, Empower offers this to anyone who purchased re-sell rights to their products. This isn’t some MLM program or pyramid scheme. These guys are 100% legit and offer real products and services.

You will be able to earn 100% of the money when you join. Trust me, if you have a solid marketing plan in place, it is really easy to earn with Empower. In fact, if you can get a few hundred people to your lead capture page each month, you will almost be guaranteed to double your income every month. This is just the way marketing works. When you start getting more and more people to your lead capture page, that’s where you will start earning good money.

Create an Environmentally Responsible Lifestyle

It is a fact that the life of single person affects the people around him as well. It is also a fact that a person is responsible for the environment in the surroundings. Actually the behavior of a lifestyle is a mixture of habits. The people have to adopt the habits according to their own selection by keeping one thing in mind that the lifestyle selected should be responsible for you and the environment around you. You should leave a great impact on the surroundings because it matters a lot to your life. You should start from home to make a good environment by selecting a responsible lifestyle for your self. Your practices and behaviors should be attained in a way that the environment should not get any adverse effect from your lifestyle. There are some ways described below to make your lifestyle responsible for the environment around.

The terminology which can be used to make the environment good with the health of your lifestyle is the greening. You should go for greening and identify the things which affect your environment inside the home and the environment in the surroundings. The greening includes to get rid of the products which affect the environment because those products release the chemicals and other types hazardous gases which affects the ozone layer. Ozone layer is actually a cover given by the nature to our planet which saves us from the dangerous rays of sun. You should also try to minimize the pollution in the environment which is causing the detriment in the average lives. This all can be said in a way that if you will spend a responsible life by keeping your environment in view, it will be beneficent for you and the people around you as well.

Actually you are the one who has to make things according to the requirements of the surroundings to create a responsible lifestyle. You should not adopt these things for a time being although you should adopt it as a lifestyle and leave an impact on the surroundings. The story can be summarized in a way that don’t take the things as they are going rather amend the things according to you to become a responsible citizen and to adopt a responsible lifestyle because there are many people relying on you. Now its up to you as to how you create a responsible lifestyle which becomes beneficent for you and the people around you as well.  Simple steps can be taken, as simple as changing the sort of food storage containers you use and extending the life of your food. This will cut down on food waste and help jump start an environmentally sound lifestyle change.